Employment and training services are provided to veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces through a nationwide network of more than 2,400 American Job Centers.
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has implemented priority of service for veterans and eligible spouses in all qualified job training programs. This page offers resources for both veteran job seekers, and employment and training program providers.
The Key to Career Success campaign is sponsored by the DOL through the Career One Stop website: https://www.careeronestop.org/Veterans/ . The Key to Career Success campaign connects veterans and transitioning service members with high-quality career planning, training, and job search resources available at local American Job Centers.
On November 7, 2002, the Jobs for Veterans Act (JVA) was signed into law. One provision of the JVA establishes a priority of service requirement for covered persons (i.e., veterans and eligible spouses, including widows and widowers) in qualified job training programs.
Since the passage of the JVA, the Employment and Training Administration has provided policy guidance to the workforce system regarding the implementation of priority of service.
The Office of Workforce Investment provides specific guidance established by Section 2(a) of the Jobs for Veterans Act, Public Law 107-288 (38 USC 4215 (a)) to:
The final rule took effect on January 19, 2009. The final rule signals that those recipients of DOL funds for qualified job training programs are subject to the priority of service regulations, and are required by law to provide priority of service to veterans and eligible spouses.
The final rule and the priority of service it requires is an important acknowledgment of the sacrifices of the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. DOL’s strategic vision for priority of service to covered persons honors veterans and eligible spouses of veterans as our heroes at home and envisions that DOL-funded employment and training programs, including the publicly-funded workforce investment system, will identify, inform, and deliver comprehensive services to covered persons as part of strategic workforce development activities across the country.
Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 10-09, dated November 10, 2009, provides additional information and general instructions applicable to any of the DOL-funded employment and training programs affected by the Jobs for Veterans Act (JVA).
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law in July 2014 and transforms the workforce system to help job seekers and workers succeed in the labor market and match employers with the skilled workforce they need to compete in the global economy. Under WIOA, veterans and eligible spouses continue to receive priority of service for all DOL -funded job training programs, including WIOA programs. Further information regarding services is available in Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 19-16.
To obtain additional information regarding services for veterans and eligible spouses, please visit the Veteran's Priority Community at WorkforceGPS at: https://veteranspriority.workforcegps.org/