What to Expect at a Hearing

Remember that it is your legal right to have a review panel hearing.

When you arrive at the review panel hearing, the review panel chair will introduce everyone and briefly explain to you and everyone else at the hearing how the hearing will work, including the order in which people will speak and ask questions.

You or your representative will have a chance to present evidence, ask questions of the other party and their witnesses and make a final summary statement.

The hearing generally lasts around two-three hours. At the end of the hearing, the review panel will inform you of the outcome of your application – either discharge from involuntary status or continued detention.

If you do not agree with the review panel decision, go to “What Happens After the Hearing” page for more information.

Who Participates at a Review Panel Hearing?

Participants at a review panel hearing may include:

Review panel hearings are held in private to protect the privacy of the patients. Family members and others wishing to observe the hearing without participating in it may normally do so only with the consent of the patient and the review panel.

What is a Review Panel?

A review panel consists of three appointed members of the Mental Health Review Board. The review panel decides whether you should be discharged from involuntary status or should continue to be detained. The panel is comprised of a physician member independent of your treating physician, a legal member, and a community member. Typically, the legal member chairs the review panel hearing.

Legal Test

A review panel makes a decision on only one issue: whether you, the patient, continue to meet the criteria to remain as an involuntary patient. The panel considers only the evidence presented at the hearing.

There are four criteria the panel must consider:

This is a legal test that is set out under section 22 of the Mental Health Act. The panel is required to apply this test on a balance of probabilities.

A hearing by a review panel must include